Many thanks to Roy for sending the editorial team this relaxed photograph of swans 'allegedly' sleeping. They never sleep Roy, that's just what they want you to think!
This blog is dedicated to the memory of Joe Roberts. Whether swans are dangerous or otherwise, there can be no doubt that swans are very 'nice' birds indeed! Please feel encouraged to send any 'swan based' content and links you would like added to this blog. No swans were harmed in the making of this blog nor are any kept on the blog over night!
Many thanks to Roy for sending the editorial team this relaxed photograph of swans 'allegedly' sleeping. They never sleep Roy, that's just what they want you to think!
"Not often seen together the Swan and the Penguin are pictured in this photograph demonstrating the mind boggling visual wonder of depth perception. The swan has made the cunning decision to encourage the much loved pied seabird to stand closer to the camera. The unwary bystander is easily convinced by this domestic feathered arrangement that the swan is much much smaller than it really is and that the two birds together represent no threat to health and safety. The swan is a nice but dangerous bird and little does the penguin know of the violent nature of the company it keeps!. Many thanks to the seasoned Essex based swan fancier who sent in this rare image". The Editorial Team