Tuesday, December 19, 2023

A very Merry Christmas 2023 and a Happy New Year to all Swan fanciers wherever you are.


At this time of the year the editorial team are fully aware that the above featured romantic swan themed image is what our readers want to see. Nice as this maybe lets be honest for a moment. How many of you will on Boxing Day morning and accompanied by your loved ones, visit the local pond, lake or river to feed the ducks and or swans. It is "An accident waiting to happen"

The following photographs were sent in by our long time reader Lulu from Didcot, Oxon. After being attacked by a swan, Lulu spent several hours in A&E at the John Radcliffe Hospital. 

The first image below is off her splinted and bandaged hand after lengthy NHS treatment. Not daunted by her lakeside experience Lulu decided to revisit the location of her recent violent encounter. You might consider this foolhardy but her thinking was that maybe the bird had been alarmed or was unwell and needed love and veterinary attention. The shocking second image shows what happens when you relax your guard in close proximity to a swan. If you are considering 'feeding the swans' over Christmas wear protective metal reinforced gloves.

Lulu is currently resting at home in Didcot - bless!

The Beak Reality

Monday, December 11, 2023

They’re everywhere.

 Never be off guard! They are quite literally everywhere awaiting the opportunity to break arms.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Not something you see everyday on Lake Lothing.


Many thanks to Tony Lavage from Bassingbourn for sending the Editor this astounding card on the event of his recent birthday. I am reliably informed that the vacant chair, centre image, is in homage to the legendary swan fearing Joe Roberts. The eagle eyed amongst our readers will have noted that the cut glass tumblers on the table are full to the brim with Light Ale (the preferred libation of the older gentleman).