The editorial team is mortified to admit that in 2024 it failed to acknowledge 'International Swan Observance Day' and the birthday of the legendary and late Joe 'Light Ale' Roberts. So March the 3rd having passed, we hope that in some way this terrifying post makes amends for the omission.
We thank Sarah from Pakefield for sending us this 'jay waddling' swan. (No offence to Jays as they are colourful and nice birds). Yet again we have a clear example of a swan blatantly endangering the lives of unsuspecting motorists. Swans do not respect the Highway Code and 'double yellow lines' in particular - this is a road traffic accident waiting to happen !
Due to the economic demise in which 'Highways England' currently finds itself, the A12, every few metres, is punctuated by 'potholes' of various dimensions. God forbid what will happen if swans adopt these holes for nesting purposes!
The editorial team wishes to make clear that the above photograph taken near Sandringham was not digitally enhanced or manipulated in anyway and accurately reflects the true horror of the moment.