The 'Editorial Team' wish to thank Rachel from Chalkwell, Essex, for sending in the above swan related art work. "What a colourful and abstract rendition of the nation's favourite bird this picture represents"!
After gazing, without blinking, at this 'tantric' image for just over five minutes, the team experienced a 'collective' and 'spooky' recollection of one of Joe Roberts' most enigmatic quotes that had lain unspoken and forgotten since Joe's untimely death.
"If you can't fight, wear a big hat"!
Although none of us, truly know what this sentence means, we cannot but feel better that being clearly important, it is now out there for all to wonder at!
If any or both of our loyal readership experience similar metaphysical events, whilst looking at 'swans' depicted in any media, the editorial team, Joe Coral and the Church of England would be delighted to hear from you. In the meantime and as it is weekend's eve, lets break open a celebratory can of Light Ale. It is after all, what Joe would have wanted!